Today we are going to start giving you the answers for the listening you did on Friday.

Don't forget to color your progress log, the listening box:
GREEN------> 4-5 correct answers
ORANGE-----> 3 correct answers
RED-----------> less than 3 correct answers
We also give you the answers for the vocabulary test:
tall ---------------------- taller than
big ---------------------- bigger than
expensive --------------more expensive than
small -------------------- smaller than
important --------------- more important than
dangerous -------------- more dangerous than
good -------------------- better than
easy --------------------- easier than
nice --------------------- nicer than
heavy ------------------- heavier than
bad --------------------- worse than
To retake the vocablary test you will need:
GREEN------> 7- 10 correct answers
ORANGE-----> 5-6 correct answers
RED-----------> less than 5 correct answers
After this, we are going to start dealing with a new content: THE SUPERLATIVES. We use the comparatives to compare two things, people or places but... what happens if we want to say that something is the most or the least of a quality in a group? Let's watch these videos to learn it:
After watching the video (remember you can watch it all the times you need), let's play to practice!!!
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